CORPORACIÓN ALIMENTARIA PEÑASANTA, S.A. (CAPSA FOOD) is the company composed of Central Lechera Asturiana, Larsa, ATO, 39ytu, Vega de Oro, Asana and Innova Food Ingredients, and it leads the Spanish dairy market. The company and its subsidiaries have 6 production hubs in 4 autonomous communities, providing more than 1,100 direct jobs, and it conducts operations in more than 40 countries.
To promote integral sustainability, CAPSA FOOD works to “Guarantee a future for cattle farmer members, offering them natural products and solutions to boost the standard of living of people in a SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT”, assisting the primary sector and the rural environment, improving health through nutrition and healthy lifestyles, protecting the natural environment, and acting as the exemplary employer it has been since its beginnings.
In 2020 it joined the B CORP movement, making it the first Spanish dairy company to obtain this certification.
Incorporated in 1997 by Central Lechera Asturiana, S.A.T. and other rural cooperatives in Asturias, SOCIEDAD ASTURIANA DE SERVICIOS AGROPECUARIOS, S.L. (A.S.A.) was created to integrate and enhance the production of fodder for members’ livestock, and to provide the necessary services and products for their businesses.
Central Lechera Asturiana, S.A.T. holds 51% of the equity, CAPSA Food 44%, and Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Gozón, S.Coop. 5%.

BIOGASTUR is a company located in Armental (Navia), a Spanish pioneer in the application of a circular economy model to manage cow slurry and waste produced by the food and agriculture sector, upgrading this to create biogas energy, and also organic fertiliser. Central Lechera Asturiana SAT holds 84.80% of its shares.
Aseagro–Serconsulting is a group of business advisory companies, mainly operating in the food and agriculture sector, where it covers the full range of activities: tax advisory, advice on employment, legal issues, CAP, technical or consultancy work, document support etc. Central Lechera Asturiana SAT holds a 50% stake in the company.

CLAS Gestión, wholly owned by Central Lechera Asturiana SAT, makes use of its “CLAS Correduría de Seguros” service to offer major cover with guarantees by leading insurance companies, along with the trust and security of the Central Lechera Asturiana Group.